Rich monks

Youngsters have a small idea for everyone. If you feel that you are a Rebel then this is for you. Life is small, the world is big. There is nothing more beautiful than exploring this planet. If you want to enjoy this life, study well till the age of 20, avoid getting married at such a young age, do not have any relationships, do not waste time for love affairs. take your favourite profession and start working. Work hard for 20 years from that day onwards, do not waste any day, put up company, do business as you like. Earn as many quotes, quotes as you can. 2 Decades You go to a different range which is either field you want to focus on. Retire for your 40th year. It’s up to you whether to put Rentincom or put your company in Auto mode. After 40 you should not work, travel, just that is your job. Turn All Countries on If anyone asks, say Traveling is my profession. Travel Like That Monk, But Rich Monk. Being in the correct age, Maturity comes, the camel has plenty of energy, look at One Month office, travel One Month, six countries a year. Go to Mexico, jump with your local partner in Singapore, or take a sloop, stay in it for a month, cook there, and have fun touring all the islands in Europe. You can hire the best companion in any country whether you want a beautiful sloop driver or a nice cook. You are going by car In Switzerland, you saw a lake, wanted to stay there for four days, hitch a phone, pick it up in a helicopter, fix a ready-made container house and leave, or leave with a fully loaded caravan box. Go fishing at that lake, lie down next to the campfire, get in the car the next day and go to the airport who will stop you. If you want to live such a dangerous life, just 2 Decades is enough, no, I’m going to go to school and get VPs in front of the principal if the marks are low. If what I am saying feels Sensible, take it as a challenge if there are any Rebels. Now that you are 40 years old, one decade is enough. I believe someone will try it. If any of you Achieve it I would feel very happy, girls or boys if you dare try it. There are so many countries, so many beautiful people. Go and explore everything. Travel Light, Cellphone, Passport, Cabin Bag, and One Solid Unlimited Credit Card That’s it. Don’t Live Rich Monks, Monk in the Mountains, Monk in the Club.
## Rich Monk

Published by rachu27_

Archi-mug 🏛 Traveller Learner

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